CSR Policy
The Sumitomo Riko Group Corporate Action Charter
In our efforts to realize the Vision of the Sumitomo Riko Group, we position CSR that consistently creates value at the heart of our management and the Sumitomo Riko Group Corporate Action Charter is the basis of the Group’s CSR activities.
To contribute to realizing the sustainable development of society in harmony with people and the Earth, we act in line with the following 10 principles.
- Commitment to customers and realize as sustainable society.
- Fair business practices.
- Dialogue with stakeholders, information disclosure, and information management.
- Respect for human rights.
- Decent workplace.
- Global environment.
- Social contribution.
- Respect for international norms of behaviour and good relations with the community.
- Risk management and crisis management.
- Initiatives of top management and implementation of the Charter.
Materiality of SumiRiko Poland
SumiRiko Poland bases its corporate action on the two main principles of respect for human rights (“a company that values all people”), and compliance (“a company that abides by laws, regulations and the international code of conduct”), and places emphasis on the four themes of safety, environment, quality and contribution to society in the work we do.

In line with defined materiality as described above and with reference to the ISO26000 standard, SumiRiko Poland has defined its major stakeholders as below.