Responsibility for the Global Environment
SumiRiko Poland makes a concerted effort to protect the natural environment and contribute to the resolution of environmental issues.
Environmental, Health and Safety Policy of SumiRiko Poland
SumiRiko Poland Sp. z o.o. aims at satisfying our clients’ needs in the area of automotive part production, considering the care for the natural environment, and application of the highest work safety standards. We achieve this through following legal regulations and other requirements referring to environmental and work safety aspects, as well as through continuous improvement in environmental efficiency and ergonomics at workstations
Environment Policy
Our activities in this area include in particular:
- minimizing the risk of environmental pollution by taking actions to preserving and increasing biodiversity as well as recovery and recycling of raw materials,
- undertaking activities aimed at reducing the volume of raw materials, greenhouses gases, waste generated, rational water management, increase process energy efficiency and usage of renewable energy,
- improving the awareness, responsibility and involvement on the part of all employees as regards environmental protection and work safety, as well as promotion of pro-environmental activities and the attitude of responsibility for one’s own and other people’s safety in the local community,
- monitoring and elimination from our products restricted substances for use by customers.
Reduction of CO2 emissions
SumiRiko Poland undertakes activities aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption through the introduction of highly efficient production equipment, optimization of production lines, as well as conducting energy diagnostics and developing solutions reducing energy consumption.
Technology for minimising environmental impacts
VOC (Volatile organic compounds), generated during the production process, are adsorbed and thickened on the adsorbers. They are then incinerated at a very high temperature in an afterburner, with the presence of a catalytic agent. As a result, only compounds not harmful to the environment are released in the atmosphere.